questions on keyboard for class 1

Free Question Bank for 1st Class Computers Main Parts of Computer Self Test-2 Which of the following commands can help you  to move to the top of a document. Function keys: The function keys are arranged in a row at the top at the computer keyboard. R1- A computer keyboard is an input device , having keys with characters printed on them and each press on  a key  corresponds to a single written symbol. Thus we have the QWERTY layout used by the English users and the AZERTY layout used by French users. In this case to produce a symbol requires pressing the symbol by the fingers. These keys are also call programmable keys. Question (3) Generally, in any computer system the DATE is entered in the form of? Q1- What are the different blocks that make up the keyboard? Press ALT+PRINT SCREEN to capture an image of just the active window, instead of the entire screen. Most keyboards have a light that indicates whether NUM LOCK is on or off. It turns the Insert mode on or off. Veeresh Neelagunda When Num Lock is off, the keys 4,6,8,2 act like an arrow keys i.e  left arrow, right arrow, up arrow and down arrow while 7,9,3,1 act like  Home, PgUp, PgDown and End respectively. For example in most programs the F1 key can be press to display the HELP page . Q2- Name some input devices. Q1- what are input devices? One evening you were playing a computer game which your father has forbidden you from playing. The navigation keys allow you to move the cursor, move around in documents and edit text. By themselves, modifier keys usually do nothing. As you were playing the game you realized that your father was coming, which of the following command can help to close the game so that your father will not see it? Function(s) of the individual key found on the following blocks: harmonising  the functions of the different keys, -distribute worksheet to each student with the the keys corresponding to the different function clearly indicated, -Stresses on the multiple functions of the function ,modifier and the special keys when combine with other keys, Give the function of the different key on a keyboard, -Call 1 students from any 3 group to summarise day’s. List 4 different blocks of a computer keyboard. Students, teachers and parents can download all CBSE educational material and extremely well prepared worksheets from this website. We apologize for the inconvenience. When NUM LOCK is off, the numeric keypad functions as a second set of navigation keys (these functions are printed on the keys next to the numerals or symbols). -stresses on the interchange of A and Q , Z and W , and M is moved from the right of N to the right of L. -copy definition and uses on the chalkboard, -move round to make sure student copy notes, -Stresses on what makes the different between QWERTY and AZERTY keyboard.,,,, Explore Digital Drawing Tools With the Berenstains, Follow the Digital Trail-K-2:Unit 2:Lesson2, Input, Output, Processing & Storage Devices, Grades 1 & 2- Keyboarding with Typing Instructor for Kids, NetSmartz Workshop: K-2 Four Rules of Internet Safety, Out On a Limb; A Guide to Getting Along (Character Development), McGruff, the Crime Dog battles bullying and cyber-bullying, Professor Garfield's Cyberbullying Lesson, Digital Maps Skills- Using GIS to Solve Real World Problems, Common Core State Standards-Skills Practice, English Language Arts and Technology Skills,, Keyboards are also used for computer gaming. -The student know the letters of the alphabet and arithmetic signs. Alphanumeric keys: These keys comprises of letters of the alphabet (A to Z), numbers (0 to 9), punctuation signs, and other symbols. -Identify the ZERTY and QWERTY keyboard types; This lesson is planned with the assumption that , -The students know Computer Input devices, -ask student to move to their various group, -distribute worksheets to the various groups, -clarify any doubts on the comprehension of task, -listen and indicate areas of task not understood if any, -move round to ensure that groups focus on task and help groups with  difficulties if any, -guide discussion and harmonisation of results as groups presenter  present group results, -distribute worksheet to each student with the differences of the keys clearly indicated. Navigation keys such as Home, End, PgUp, PgDown, etc. This lesson is planned with the assumption that ,the students know  how ; Uppercase, save ? Information and communication technologies for junior  secondary by. Q3- define a keyboard? Figure5 :Keyboard showing the different block, Figure6: Keyboard showing the different blocks (Student work sheet), LESSON 2 NOTES : PRESENTATION OF THE DIFFERENT BLOCKS OF A COMPUTER KEYBOARD, Figure7: Corrected work sheet showing the different blocks of keyboard. What are the different blocks that make up the keyboard? Q2- Name some input devices. Given a keyboard ,at the end of the lesson all the students should be able to correctly identify the following blocks of a keyboard: -The students know the definition of a Computer keyboard. Using only the keyboard answer the following questions; a) Shift + left arrow       b) Shift + B            c) Ctrl +U, a) Ctrl + C             b) Home              c) Ctrl +B, a) Ctrl                b) Cap lock          c) Shift +keys, a) Backspace           b)Delete                  c) Shift + key with % on the upper part, a) page up       b) Ctrl + Home                 c) Ctrl, a) Escape                b) Enter           c)Alt + F4, a) Delete                 b) End         c) Backspace. They perform different function in different software programs. a) Home      b) Ctrl + Home                 c) Ctrl, a) Escape                b) Alt + F4         c) Enter, a) Delete                 b) End +Delete         c) Backspace, a) Prt Screen          b) Home     c) Ctrl +U. Some input devices include the mouse , keyboard… 10. a) Prt Screen          b) Ctrl + A     c) Home, Delete a character after the cursor or delete a selected text, Move the cursor to the beginning of a line, Deletes the character just to the left of the cursor.

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