black bird with white stripe on wing

Bill, legs, feet are black. Winter adult and juvenile are white and with dull yellow-orange eyes and bill, legs are green-black. Sexes are similar. Western Spindalis: Small tanager, black-gray back, dark rufous nape, rump. Black bill, legs and feet. It feeds on parrot fish, flatfish, mullets and other fish. Legs and feet are black. A black band separates a white throat and belly. Cave Swallow: Small swallow (Southwest pelodoma), with steel-blue upperparts, white underparts, rufous wash on breast and sides. Short, rounded wings, black-gray tail with buff barring. Australian Pelican: Large, white pelican with white-gray on neck, and black on inner shoulder of wing, flight feathers, sides of lower back, and tail. White-winged Tern: Small tern, black head, body, and underwing coverts; white rump, vent, upperwing coverts, and tail; flight feathers are pale gray. Winter adult and juveniles have white forehead, black crown with white streaks; prominent dark bar on lesser coverts; underparts gray; black bill with red base; legs duller red to black-red. Bill is long, thin, and dull olive-yellow. Legs and feet are black. White outer primaries with black trailing edges are visible in flight. Trumpeter Swan: Largest swan in the world, completely white but with head and neck often stained rust-brown from contact with ferrous minerals in wetland soils. The female (above) is brown where the male is black but also wears the rufous. Crested Caracara: Large, ground-dwelling falcon, black body, finely barred tail, wing panels and upper breast. Forages on ground, usually in open fields. It rotates deep steady wing beats with long glides. Most common swan in North America. Graceful, bouyant flight with rapid, shallow wing beats. Gray-brown above, orange-brown nape and breast. Gray cheek patch is marked by a thin, black line. Black-faced Spoonbill: Large, mostly white wading bird with wispy crest, black tips to wings, yellow spot in front of eye, and black face, front, and throat. Wings are white with black primary and secondary feathers. The eyebrow is buff-orange in front and white behind eye. Sexes are similar. Gray legs, feet. Little Egret (Palau): Medium-sized, all white egret with plumes on head, breast, and back, black legs with yellow feet, black bill, and yellow lores. Soars on thermals and updrafts. Sexes are identical within each phase. Yellow eyes surrounded by orange eye-rings. Sexes are similar, but the female is much larger. Direct flap-and-glide flight with powerful, deep wingbeats. May hover briefly to pick berries or insects from foliage. Fairly long wings. JavaScript is disabled. It feeds mostly on fish and squid. The best bird guide and bird watching search engine to identify birds in the world. The sexes are similar. Feeds on fish. It soars on wide triangular wings. Black-billed Magpie: Large, noisy jay, mostly black, with very long tail and dark, stout bill. Conspicuous eye-ring is yellow; legs are dull pink-yellow. Eastern Willets breed in coastal saltmarshes and on barrier beaches and islands. White-tailed Ptarmigan: Small grouse, mottled brown overall, white on wings, breast, belly, red eye comb, white-edged brown tail, legs covered with white feathers. Juvenile has scaled upperparts, less marked breast band. Juvenile like female but buff scaling on back. The males are slightly larger than the females. Tail is slightly forked when folded. Sexes are similar. The legs and feet are red. The legs and feet are yellow-gray. The legs and feet are pink. Buoyant, graceful pigeon-like flight with fluttering wing strokes alternating with soaring glides. Plunge dives for fish from 50 feet above shallow water. Large, stocky shorebird with long legs and a thick, straight bill. Great Shearwater: Large shearwater, scaled, gray-brown upperparts, white underparts, brown markings on belly. Sensitive nerve endings snap bill shut when prey is found. It has a wavering, erratic flight; capable of swift direct flight. Nonbreeding birds are grayish brown overall with few markings. Head is large, glossy, and purple-black with golden yellow eyes and a crescent-shaped white patch behind a dark bill. Medium length bill, tail short with a square tip. Plumbeous Vireo: Medium vireo, gray back, white throat and underparts, olive-gray sides, yellow-washed flanks.

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