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ecological niche” (1917:427). Ecological niches are affected by interspecies competition. Niche overlap was evaluated by multipleand the ence of three life histories corresponding to strategies already documented for fish (equilibrium, periodic, and opportunistic), with some species also placed in interme-diate positions. Ecological niche comprehends all conditions necessary for an organism to exist. Ni ches , on the contrary, are delimited depending on the number and the aspects that can affect a certain organism , it is usually formed by a group of variables that make that an organism can live and reproduce in a certain place using certain factors for it. Aspects or types of ecological niche: The three aspects of ecological niche are 1) Spatial or habitat niche: According to this, a niche is the “microhabitat in which a species lives”.It represents the physical space occupied by an organism. An ecological niche is a term used by ecologists to describe the role a species plays in an ecosystem. This leads to competitive exclusion, overlapping niches and resource partitioning. represents the physical space occupied by an organism. The niche is affected by biotic and abiotic factors. Niche breadth, also called "niche width" and "niche size," can be thought of as the extent of the hypervolume representing the realized niche of an organismic unit. aspects of its environment. This means that more than one ecological niche may exist within the habitat. In 1927 the British animal ecologist, Elton, used the term “niche” to refer to the role of a species within a community; that is, to its functional position and activity within a larger whole: the niche of An ecological niche characterizes the position of a species within an ecosystem, comprising both the habitat requirements and the functional role … Studies on the relationship between human population and environmental resources have employed niche concept. CONVERGENCE AND THE MULTIDIMENSIONAL NICHE L UKE J. H ARMON , 1,2 J ASON J. K OLBE , 1 J AMES M. C HEVERUD , 3 AND J ONATHAN B. L OSOS 1 1 Department of Biology, Washington University, St. Louis, Missouri 63130

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